My Blog

welcome to my ramblings

i will write whatever i want in here, whenever, anytime, varying levels of cohesiveness

braindump #5 - incoming transmission - 20/1/25

can anyone hear me?
Is there anyone out there?
things have begun once again, which is nice
i'm excited to work on things again
my brains full of ideas and i'm a walking pitch machine
it started when i came up for an idea for my directing, it was a simple story i came up with in the shower
a perfectionist director cannot make the perfect cut and a detective gets tasked with an unsolvable murder case
the stories would come together when surprise! the director killed someone
had some talks with other film students, and decided, nah
threw it all out last night and started fresh
and that's how we ended up where we are today
made the pitch page last night and wrote the first draft of the script
and this morning i made the little animatic at the bottom of the page
going to be pitching this during my directing class this wednesday!!!
there's only 8 slots and 12 people are pitching so i got to go all out for this one
this is gonna be my biggest film, and i have really big plans for it
its gonna be crazy watching this come to life


in other news, a film i'm editing is almost out of post production hell and i got some shooting coming up this weekend
oh and i have ANOTHER ANOTHER directing project shooting next week
...oh man...
and i don't even know where to start with the live puppet show
semester 4 is going to be a crazy one
so happy we're making projects
life is good

braindump #4 - burnt out - 6/1/25

burnout sucks.
i am struggling to push through some projects right now, and its so hard to work on stuff when your burnt out
like i feel bad writing this because i should be working on the projects right now
i just need to lock in
4th semester of college started, got an 8am class tomorrow, schedule is fine, pretty light compared to animation or illustration
life is pretty good
i got the tree planting job
this summers gonna be crazy
hopefully once i get through this slum i will start cooking again
need to catch up on journals and other projects
oh and that strike is totally happening isnt it?
also i guess the slop channels have stopped? my company decided to upload 3 videos and leave, that's crazy man
im writing again, i have an idea for something that may not see the light for like a year, or ever, i do that a lot
moved around the layout of my room, its not the best layout but i have a bed theater which is cool
also moved around the living room, when we have a lot of people over it felt like there was 2 rooms,
it feels a lot better now, can also watch the tv from the kitchen table
sometimes i wonder about what you guys are doing, send me an message about your life, i hope you are doing good.
ill read through them all
have a great night !!!!!!!

braindump #3 - end of semester 3 - 18/12/24

and just like that, my third semester has ended
this semester was ok, i wish we got more projects, but im happy with the projects i did get to make and the sets i worked on
speaking of,,, we just shot a film in my house, crazy 2 day shoot, living room and my room got flipped inside out, i still have the green room poster up in my room
overall that was a really fun shoot, was a little stressful at times with all the people in my apartment but honestly, it was still so much fun i can look past that
heading back to my hometown now, site wont be updated as much i think, or who knows, may just spend all of the holidays writing code and editing
oh my god that was such a fun project, watching it grow from a google doc all the way to a final cut was beautiful, thats what i wanna do in film
working on collecting all my films that i worked sets on/acted in some ppl just aren't posting them anywhere which sucks :/ I WANNA SEE YOUR FILMS!!!!!
next semester is going to be a little more chaotic "hit the ground running" is the common phrase spread around
i also have an 8am next semester which is not gonna be fun, but oh well, i've been waking up early so it's probably not gonna be the worst thing
but also, whats going on with the strike??? is that happening??? i haven't been following that at all
i added some new pages to the website, filled out some more, you can now send me messages!!!!!!!
look around!! i hope you all have a happy holidays
see you around gang!!

update log #4 - one final push - 10/12/24

HELLO GANG!!!!!!!!!!
we are in the final final finallll stretches of the semester!!!!!!
big updates the past few days heres a little changelog
films page reworked
short films page
personal projects page
sheridan projects page
sdss projects page
overcoming page
other films page
2djs1mic page (more coming soon)

other page
bucket list
anti bucket list

contact page is live!!
old films page archived

all thats left now is the notes page!!!!!!!
this website really came together so fast its crazy and it makes me so happy every time i look at it
WOODS is releasing THIS FRIDAY (i promise)
sucks that there wasn't a lot of projects that happened this term, but i still got on a bunch of sets,
so im thinking im going to add a new page in the films channel for films that i had my hands in
ill see you around!!!!!!!

update log #3 - big plays and plans - 5/12/24

as the semester comes to an end, i have more time to work on the website again!!!
we have a new christmas theme for the website!! it will clear around january back to the stars


the credits page is now done!!!!!! its barebones, more to come for sure, need to track down sources and will be kept up to date

the about page was revamped!!! it now has a lot more info and a new layout

new construction gif!!!

new icons!!!!!

and yeah that's all for updates!


films is going to get a revamped layout because having all the youtube embeds on one page is not smart

i'm not telling you what i'm doing, but maybe keep an eye on the domains i'm registering...

this is the biggest project, and i don't even know if its possible, but we are gonna give it a shot at least

crazy updates coming!!! the website is really coming along!!!
but yeah, life is good, finishing projects, expect a full release of woods next week!! watch the rough cut here
made a video essay project, insane crunch but its done watch it here
(opening song was back in black but apparently if you use that you get blocked worldwide)
see you around!!!!!!

update log #2 - content farm 2025 roadmap - 2/12/24

as the year comes to a close my media production team has reached out to me to let me know that my financial returns have been subpar and that they are going to "find more ways to be profitable next fiscal year"
yesterday 3 new accounts under my name have appeared on youtube tiktok and instagram
this is an effort made by the private media group that owns the rights to "fox t"
they have decided to be financially sustainable for the next fiscal year, we need to start re-cutting and monetizing old films
the process is quite simple, films will be ripped from the youtube channel and then recut to fit the 9:16 aspect ratio, then content will be uploaded to major short form content hosting platforms
i have been assured all content uploaded will be held to Stimulate. & Lucrative. Optimization. Potential. standards
an image explaining the process was sent to me to better comprehend the production line, this really helped me understand the proccess

so what's going to change?
i have been told there will be no changes to the "fox t" youtube channel yet, the only additions are the 2 new short form content channels that will be uploading content separately from me
the private media group has full control over the two content channels to make sure my workload doesn't get more larger, as you know i am a very overworked film student
content will be uploaded to the content channels to maximize the possible reach of the content.
anyway new rough cut, and i think you should watch this video because i think its cool
see you around gang!

braindump #2 - life is good - 27/11/24

hello gang!!!!!!!
laundry was done
you may have noticed that now the blog and photos have some confetti on them, this is a new feature to highlight whats new on the page!!!
if you see confetti check it out!!!
anywho!! the shoot was amazing!!!!!!!!!
very fun, 10/10 set, i dont know what i can say details wise but man it was so fun, i will link it here when it releases
this week is going to be another crazy week workload wise, still not as much as any other program but yeah, its feeling a little cramped
going to pull an all nighter editing work tomorrow methinks
in other news i have a new project shooting soon at some point in my apartment
that will also be releasing soon, im told it will be before the holidays
my personal project will probably shoot soonish, i have everything i need ready to go, but need to lock down an actor, may be myself acting
this is gonna be a crazy few weeks
only 2 more weeks until the semester is over
also my college is going thru some stuff, which may lead to me dropping out
who knows, film is great, but also, its expensive, and if it goes up, i cannot afford it
final news is that i had my job interview for tree planting summer today and it went well!!!
i think i have a very good shot at actually working there this summer which is exciting
the guy said i had good energy

update log #1 - new font who dis - 25/11/24

hello? hellloooooooooooooo???? hey!!! hi!!!!!!!!!
dont ask me if this is hardcoded into every page
shantell sans is one of my favorite fonts and yea!!!!!! i think it fits really well with the website,
and if it cant load the font (like on moblie) it goes back to use the old font, but thats ok, it looks good too
--UPDATE UPDATE 11/27/24 FONT NOW WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!--
html is like cooking and i keep making mr noodles

website updates!!!!!!!
-new photos page!!!!!!
-new font!!!!!!!
-took away the info on the contact page

i am actually nearing the end of my goals
but what is left is the hardest projects, which im not looking forward to
also what does one put on a other page, i threw it in there when i was sketching out the site
only not to know what to put in there, i thought, eh maybe id come up with something

...yeah i have nothing
send me ideas!!
because i cant figure out how to get the emails working, may need to cave and do the 5$ a month to neocities
its just, i wouldn't really use any of the other features in the tier, but it would be nice to support neocities because they are cool
anywho, SHOOT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!
and i NEED to do my laundry
thats a tonight goal
this week is gonna be kinda hectic, but not as packed as last week
so much is happening
enjoy the new font!!!

braindump #1 dumbphone dillema - 20/11/24

the current trend right now is to hate your phone, the bug got me,
I've deleted all socials off my phone for the most part and its only purpose right now is only communication with friends & peers and sometimes if i need to look something up.
i don't think its making my life any better, its defiantly nice to feel like you have some control over your life though.
i used tiktok for a bit, i didn't like how it was such a timewaster, and by the time i deleted tik tok, reels had came out, i don't like instagram, so it wasn't hard for me to avoid it.
but for some reason. the bug got me, i deleted instagram and youtube off my phone, cutting me off from the public.
and then i found the lite phone.
the idea is really cool, a dumbphone that's just meant to be a phone, messages, camera, just the bare essentials. AND IT LOOKS SO COOL.
luckily for my wallet i am stuck with an iphone 14 until its lifespan ends in about 4-5 years or so, but i could also just sell it??
the litephone 3 is 500$ which is pretty expensive but its not horrible because it would probably last a long ass time.
but its also preorder right now, so the final product could be dogwater.
its the anti consumer in me that is holding me back from getting this phone.
if i got this phone, would i be happier
...i don't know, maybe...
it would for sure make reaching me a pain in the ass, which kind of does sound appealing, i would be cutting off a lot of ways to communicate with me off.
there will probably be a better dumbphone by the time my 14 is out of life, so i don't know, i'm happy with my phone right now, it would be nice to have a dumbphone, but i don't need it.

manifesto #1 - the new film era - 20/11/24

the way the film industry works creatively is horrible, will have to do a rant about how messed up the idea of a "film studio" is, but any who.
i have a theory about the future of the industry, a few days ago this idea came to me, and it lead to some good debates with my friends so im going to share it here
there's no denying we are at a time where everything is flopping. studios are losing big money on films, most recently "red one", which is an insane movie, that feels like a parody.
The way the film industry works is following a certain mentality of making films, most recently it is what I'm coining "the franchise saga" started back in the 70s ~ 80s.
this era proved that sequels worked, star wars, godfather, indiana jones, all the movies had sequels instead of being one note.
but now after the end of avengers endgame, audiences have become tired of this style of filmmaking, and are craving something new.
tell me I'm wrong, tell me you didn't groan when d23 happened and the majority of films announced where sequels and remakes.
I'm predicting we are about to enter a new era of filmmaking, where studio execs will greenlight anything with low budgets to try and see if anything sticks, and if something does then it will create the next wave of films.
this isn't something new, this has happened a lot of times, notably the french new wave and the franchise saga, where filmmakers where fed up with the way movies were being made, and they tried out a bunch of new things to see what stuck.
if i were to make a prediction about the future (with no evidence, complete shot in the dark) it would probably be something more authentic, one note, and strong production design.
i don't know if movies are going to stop being made with crazy high budgets, but i think the early films in this new era defiantly will be as studios try to make their money back.
is this a crazy take? maybe? but am i wrong to say that studios are losing money and people are becoming fed up with watching the same movies over and over again?
we need some fresh air in here.

website's door opened

this website has now been soft launched for a while now, slowly filling out each page, then ill do a proper thing where i like, announce that i have a website?
is that too much? like should i just link to it? or should i tell people?
who knows.
what i do know is today i wrote a short script, and i wanna shoot it soon, i also have to a directing project i need to cut up, and ive been invited to be on 2 more shoots, one next week on tuesday, and a very large shoot soon ish.
it's exciting, life is good, being on set is one of the best feelings ever because everything outside of a set isnt real.
it really feels like your in a void in the movie you are shooting, time doesnt feel real, and you are just focused on making a movie for 8-12 hours and then after the shoot you feel like you got so much done.
but back to website
i try to add new pages & secrets every day, but i have been slowing down, this websites main goal is to be a portfolio for my work, but also a creative outlet.
enjoy your stay!

the beginnings

november 11th 2024 i made my neocities account, and a very simple start page in an hour, which can be found here
it layed dormant for about a week, on the 17th i redid the homescreen layout and started working on pages. you can find my current page completion status by clicking on the center logo
you can see whatever im working on right now here
i have a lot of plans for this site, i've always wanted to make a website or a game or something, and now i can and i am and its great.
neocities is a very cool little space and i encourage everyone to make one, learning to code is easy and its very fun.