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Hi!! Im Fox t!

Welcome to my website!!

I make films and other things. Currently a student at sheridan college!
This page will serve as a portfolio for my work,
this is also a creative outlet for anything any everything i want to make.
There is lots to explore!

Current Mood



this is a treasure trove for blinkies

pretty buttons

little guys ive collected on web surfs

link me !!!

send me letters

tell me about your day today

why did i make a website

i dont understand social media, never really liked it. dont like the culture, dont like the space, dont like the owners.
Ive always wanted some place where i could have all my work in one spot i could point to and say "THERE".
I've also always had a mild interest in coding, i love making large webs of forking paths and hiding secrets.
The indie web is a perfect little place for me to host all my stuff and have a space where people can reach out to me. Also having a website lets me creatively express myself alot.
I totally recommend that everyone should make a website.

keep making cool shit